Thursday, March 26, 2009

To apply for any post of cleaner, bus conductor or lower division clerk, which is the pits in civil service hierarchy, one has to produce a CV detailing qualifications and work experience. The only job that one can get without the slightest qualification, work experience or good character is that of a politician. Thus Cora Aquino became President of Phillipines following the death of her husband as did Sirimavo Bandaranaeke in Sri Lanka. Zardari,a semiliterate, thieving playboy, is President of Pakistan because his wife was killed. Obama has won the Presidency of the US of A because he is handsome, intelligent and charismatic which is precisely what women victims have said about Charles Sobhraj, who is presently in prison in Nepal for murder. India has mainly two types of politicians. One is the family type wherein children of a powerful politician are brought with the knowledge that ' one day all this will be yours ' much like the zamindars of yesteryear. Instead of land or kingdom the leadership of a political gang is past down from father to son or from film star to mistress. The second type has got there by the use of guns and black money, collected from criminal activities. At least 125 members of the present Lok Sabha have been accused of murder, rape and criminal violence but are protected by, so called, ' honourable ' politicians because they are ' innocent until proven guilty.' Since cases will go on forever and the police will probably destroy evidence there is no possibility of these criminals ever being hanged for their crimes. Time for citizens corporations to protect us from evil.

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