Saturday, March 14, 2009

Some faction of the IRA has killed two soldiers and a policeman in Northern Ireland. Until recently there has been a great deal of cheering and backslapping for peace in the province and Senator Mitchell, who is supposed to have orchestrated the deal, has been appointed to bring about peace in Palestine. However the wall separating Catholics from Protestants along Shankill Road still stands. A couple of years ago a little nine year old Catholic girl was being interviewed on BBC. She was delighted to be studying in a mixed school with people of ' another religion '. She meant Protestants. No one had told this child that there was only one Jesus Christ and Christians shared the same God with Muslims and Jews. While these ' one God fellows ' have been slaughtering each other for centuries Hindus with many Gods never fight about whose God is bigger. Yet millions of ' Hindu heathens ' are being converted every day with money from western countries. Did the Good Samaritan convert the other fellow before helping him? Did Jesus say ' thou shall convert Hindu heathens with bribes or any subterfuge that thou think'st suitable '? Perhaps Christians should study and understand one line from the Bible ' if the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness '. Need I say more?

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