Saturday, March 21, 2009

62 years may have passed since the British left India but one pernicious British legacy still persists to this day. Known as ' ragging ,' this is carried out on new entrants to colleges across India by senior students and varies from having to sing film songs to beatings and sexual assault. Last week a boy was beaten to death by 4 seniors in a medical school in Himachal and a girl committed suicide in Karnataka unable to endure the humiliation she had to endure. Why did the parents of the boy ignore his repeated complaints of the beatings? Most probably they could not imagine taking their son away from a promising career. With millions of eligible students and seats limited by reservation for undeserving candidates parents are desperate to see their children get the best start in life no matter what the cost. Why are so many 19 and 20 years old students such sadistic monsters that they would torture an innocent boy to death? Children in India grow up with the knowledge that there is no law or justice in India. They see murderers and rapists winning elections and then being protected by the very police and courts that should be hanging them. If your dad is powerful and/or has plenty of black money you can escape all punishment so they have a profound contempt for the establishment. With the same garbage standing for the coming general elections nothing is going to change and next year we will read more horrific accounts of children killing children.

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