Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Mr. Blair wants Russia to adopt European values and principles. What values is he talking about? Perhaps a little list of what British and West European values are all about will help us understand. 1. Lying about Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction raining down on Britain in 15 minutes . 2. Following the US like a poodle into an illegal war resulting in 600 thousand Iraqis slaughtered. 3. Setting up commissions to whitewash state misdeeds. The British are masters at this game. Bring out a retired judge called Lord Whatever who, being paid handsomely with taxpayers money, produces a report of some twenty volumes of waffle that will induce coma in anyone trying to read it. For example reports of many enquiries on Bloody Sunday when British troops massacred unarmed catholics, the Horton enquiry which looked into the suicide of scientist critical of official policy, or the enquiry into the cold blooded murder of the Brazilian electrician, De Menezes, in an underground train. 4. European colonisation of Africa leading to fantastic values like apartheid. Notice how African countries are divided by straight lines cutting across tribes and still producing war and famine to this day. 5. Centuries of savage wars including the two World Wars and even wars lasting a hundred years. 6. Promising ethical foreign policies and then halting an enquiry into bribes paid to a Saudi Prince. 7. Lying, twisting, even threatening poor countries at the WTO negotiations to get extortionate terms of trade. 8. Refusing to ever appologise for many massacres of Indian women and children as in Jalian Wala Bagh. My father talked about Metro Cinema where dogs and Indians were not allowed. Ah yes, Mr. Blair look at your dirty hands before you start preaching values to others

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