Monday, June 04, 2007

The Americans must think that the people of the world are stupid. They want to set up a Missile Defence Shield in the Czech Republic, right on Russia's, doorstep and are claiming it to be aimed against Iran and North Korea. They were quite happy when the drunken buffoon, Yeltsin was in power and Russia was reduced to bankruptcy by the International Monetary Fund but faced with a strong leader, in Putin, and high oil prices making Russia richer by the day they are trying to create trouble. It was Ronald Reagan who first started this concept of Star Wars type defence shield and, if we are to believe the pundits, drove the old Soviet Union to bankruptcy because of the collosal increase in defence spending. But these are different times. America is tied down in Iraq and its lies will forever be known as the Weapons of Mass Deception. Those old tactics will not work again. I fail to understand what they are saying anyway. Will the radar based in the Czech Republic have an angle of only fifteen degrees aimed at Iran or will it rotate 360 degrees as radars generally do? If they pick up a Russian missile will they not attempt to shoot it down? What if the missile is aimed at some other country and not the US will they let it go? Having made the world infintely more dangerous by their adventures in Iraq they now want to poke the great Bear in its buttocks. If they are that stupid then should India get into a nuclear treaty with them? For once I think that opposition politicians are right to question the whole deal. We should go over every clause, every line and every word to make sure that some future lunatic or moron (take your pick) does not find some excuse, however lame it may be, to attack us.

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