Saturday, April 28, 2007

Thankyou Zornslemon. I suppose you are right but I cannot help feeling that waiting outside a marriage venue is such a pointless waste of time. People get married for the sole reason of producing a few brats which happens in due time. There is no need for any skill, any practice and no opponent to spoil your performance. Any idiot can do it and millions in India do just that , unfortunately. As a physician I see many men, dirty, illiterate and with almost no intelligence and yet father of half a dozen children. Even baseball, stupid though it is, needs some skill and practice to defeat opponents. Men love to drink, watch sports and swear, so if all three can be combined it makes for a highly entertaining evening with your mates. But to stand on a Mumbai pavement breathing fumes of passing vehicles, being jostled by rude policemen intent on showing their muscle without any alcohol to sustain you would be my idea of torture. What did these people achieve? What pleasure did they get out of such a fruitless exercise? Lots of people turn out to see the stars on Oscar night which has always seemed to me to be a stupid thing to do but here they got to see nothing. However, it takes all kinds to make the world and if these people obtained pleasure form this harmless activity then they are welcome to it. I may think they are a bunch of loonies but true freedom allows you to be foolish which is a good thing.

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