Saturday, January 11, 2020

Numbers don't show human faces.

"The poorest, but not the most uneducated, are most likely to commit suicide in India. Data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) shows that daily wage workers, those earning less than Rs 1 lakh (Rs 100,000) per annum but educated up to the secondary level have the highest share in number of suicides in India in 2018." "66% of the 134516 suicides committed in 2018 were by those who had an annual income of Rs 1 lakh or less." "A total of 10,349 farmers and agricultural laborers committed suicide in 2018, a marginal dip from the 10,655 cases in the year before, home ministry data showed." "Experts also pointed to problems in the data, including efforts by states to downplay suicides and tinkering with the definition of farmers that tends to present a watered down version of the picture." "The incidence of farmers taking their own lives has been declining over the years", "Yet, farm suicides serve to draw attention to the sorry state of Indian agriculture, which has lagged industry and services in productivity gains for decades." Data from the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy's (CMIE)  database that when the price of onions went up the state government banned exports and released stocks to bring down prices, thereby reducing profits for farmers, wrote Roshan Kishore. When prices fall due to abundant production the benefits are not passed on to the consumer. "Not only are vegetable prices more volatile, their producers are also susceptible to predatory behavior by buyers." As in other parts of the world, the rate of suicide is higher in men than in women, but the total number of suicides among women constituted 37% of all female suicides in the world. Which is high even if we consider that India has one sixth of the entire population of the world. However, women are not only killing themselves, they are being killed by men as well. "More women were killed after being raped in 2018 than in 2017." According to NCRB data, "there was a 31% spurt of cases of rape with murder in 2018 as compared to 2017." "Just nine countries around the world, including Syria and Iraq, now have a fewer proportion of working women than India, new official data confirms. And if Bihar were a country, it would have the lowest share of working women in the world," wrote Rukmini S. Since India is a poor country, those who are poor by Indian standards lead wretched lives. "India was ranked 102nd on the Global Hunger Index, an index of 117 countries." For every 100 jobs lost to Artificial Intelligence only 10 new ones will be created and that also not at the same speed. For some the misery is just too much to bear.

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