Wednesday, September 20, 2017

This realisation should have happened before November.

M Yglesias analyses "What really happened in 2016, in 7 charts". Liberals and Democrats still cannot believe that Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election last year. Both candidates were unpopular but Clinton's unpopularity rating was below 40% while Trump's was above 50%. Instead of voting for one candidate, people voted against the one they disliked, voted for third party candidates, or did not vote at all. Libertarian, Gary Johnson got 3.27% of popular votes, while Jill Stein of the Green Party got 1.06%. Trump did a little worse than Mitt Romney did in 2012, but Clinton did a lot worse than Obama. Romney invited a lot of abuse for his comment that only 47% of Americans pay income tax and they will always vote for Obama. This signifies that there is a solid core of Republican voters who will support their candidate whoever he is. Clinton got more votes from blacks and Latinos but less than what Obama did. Hillary Clinton has published her own explanation of her defeat in a book, 'What Happened', which has sold 300,000 copies in the first week. The book has been panned by critics on the left. It is a book about hubris, about entitlement, about blaming everyone except herself, wrote P Conrad of The Guardian. S Kriss was scathing. "Everything she writes feels metallic in the mouth, weightless and inauthentic," he wrote. Clinton probably feels her defeat even more keenly now because of the abuse that Trump receives in the liberal media everyday. Trump's speech at the UN General Assembly, in which he threatened North Korea with annihilation, has been criticised as that of a candidate, rather than a president. Clinton cannot stop campaigning because defeat seems so grotesque against such an unpopular man who apparently made her skin crawl during pre-election debates. Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton campaign's communication director, worried that Trump would not be easy to beat. But, perhaps it is wrong to concentrate solely on what happened last November and on the suitability, or otherwise, of Donald Trump to be president. Hillary Clinton lost the day she accepted the post of Secretary of State during Obama's first term in office. It was terrible luck that Benghazi happened in September 2012 just before Obama's first term ended and she stepped down from her post. The Republicans sensed that she could be the candidate in 2016 and started an investigation on her, just as the Democrats are doing with Trump and Russia. Republicans were preparing for years of investigations had Clinton won the election. Politics is dirty. Trump was able to avoid some of the dirt.

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