Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Why to Europe and the US, why no refugees to China?

After the trauma of Brexit, when Britain voted to exit the European Union, Europeans are celebrating the victory of the center-right Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, in the Netherlands general elections, which took place yesterday. The greatest delight is from the loss of Geert Wilders of the far-right who had campaigned to take the Netherlands out of Europe and stop Muslims from entering the country. However, Wilders has increased his seat count from 15 to 19 while Rutte is losing 10 seats, from 41 down to 31. The biggest loser is the Labour Party which has collapsed from 38 seats in the last parliament to just 9 seats today. The Labour Party paid for being in a coalition with Rutte's party, just as the Liberal Democrats were punished in Britain in the 2015 general elections, when they went down from 57 seats to just 8, for having been in a coalition with the Conservative Party of David Cameron. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's new executive order, temporarily restricting citizens of 6 Middle East countries from travelling to the US, has been blocked by a federal judge in Hawaii. A previous order restricting citizens of 7 countries from visiting the US was blocked by a federal judge in Washington state. This time Iraq was taken off the list. But why do these people want to go the US and not to the rich Gulf countries? Because these countries have closed their borders to Syrian refugees, citing security concerns. Add Iran to the list and you have nations demanding that the US should be secular and welcome refugees, but they will not take in any. In all this cacophony not one liberal has demanded that China should also show some humanity and take some of the burden. China is the second largest economy in the world at nearly $11 trillion, with foreign exchange reserves of over $3 trillion. In 2015 China relaxed its one-child policy, which saw the number of births increase to around 18 million, but that is below replacement level. By 2030 number of people over 60 years of age in China will be 25% of the population, compared to 16% in 2015. By contrast the number of working people, between 15-59, will be 80 million fewer. So, China could do with an injection of young people to improve its demographics. Housing them will not be a problem because there are many ghost cities standing empty where refugees will get instant shelter. So, why are they not clamoring to go to China? Because the Communist Party, which rules China, is openly against Islam. That does not stop this uncivilized nation from helping Pakistan with arms. To get around a comic house arrest Hafiz Saeed has appointed his brother in law as head of JuD. Indian Muslims are also quite explicit in their talk. There can be no peaceful solution, can there?

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