Monday, March 02, 2015

The contrast between Israel and India..

The White House is furious at the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu who is visiting Washington at the invitation of John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Mr Netanyahu thinks that there should be no nuclear deal with Iran because Iran has no intention of sticking to its side of the bargain. He has a point. After all, the US helped Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons and even after the ISI masterminded and financed the 9/11 attacks and supplied weapons to the Taliban to kill US and NATO forces in Afghanistan the US is supplying modern weapons systems to the failed state. In his speech to The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee in Washington, Netanyahu says," Iran is the foremost state sponsor of terrorism." Pakistan has been bleeding us with a policy of ' a thousand cuts ' by protecting terrorist groups within its borders but we go begging for peace talks. " For 2,000 years, my people, the Jewish people..... were utterly powerless against our enemies who swore to destroy us," he said. At least the Jews have a home in Israel but we Hindus have no home. So called minorities came from abroad to kill us because we are ' heathens ' or ' kafirs ' and even today they are converting thousands with money from abroad, in an orchestrated campaign of ethnic cleansing, supported by a very vocal group of pseudo-secularists in India. It is interesting that the Obama administration could not stop Netanyahu's visit but Indians were cheering when Mr Modi was denied a visa by the same US. " Today in our sovereign state of Israel we defend ourselves," he continued." In our part of the world and increasingly, in every part of the world no one makes alliances with the weak." He then went on to list 4 occasions when Israel defied the US and defended itself strongly against attacks. India was thrashed by China in 1962 and Chinese troops regularly violate our borders. We have fought 4 times with Pakistan and won every time through the courage and sacrifice of our soldiers but each time time territory was handed back to Pakistan. Our craven politicians have repeatedly secured defeat out of victory. Why? Whose orders are they obeying? Further he says," Israel is a small country, one of the smallest. Israel lives in the world's most dangerous neighborhood." With a population of just 8 million Israel is able to defend itself against 400 million Arabs with some of the most advanced weapons in the world. We embrace our enemies after they kill our citizens. With Pakistan and Afghanistan to the west, Bangladesh to the East and China to the north India is probably in a more dangerous neighborhood but whereas Israel is protected by its strength we have been weakened by our politicians. Disgusting.

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