Monday, February 16, 2015

Obama a bigger moron than Bush.

The story so far: George Bush, the moron, invaded Iraq and killed Saddma Hussein, based on, lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction. Barack Obama, the gasbag, withdrew all US forces from Iraq because ' he can '. Then Obama supported David Cameron, the ladyboy, along with Nicolas Sarkozy, Carla's little one, to willfully misuse a UN resolution authorising force to protect civilians, to bomb Libya and kill Gaddafi. In November 2013 the US organised an armed coup in Ukraine, through extreme right wing nationalist Svoboda and neo-Nazi Right Sector thugs, against an elected President, Victor Yanukovych who was forced to flee to Russia. Obama, in his Drone Master avatar, has killed hundreds of innocent civilians, including children, in Yemen. So, what has been achieved by all the brainless actions by this bunch of megalomaniacs? Read on: 21 Egyptian Coptic Christian laborers, captured in Sirte, were beheaded by the Islamic State terrorists in Libya, prompting Egypt to bomb the city of Darna which apparently is a stronghold of the IS in Libya. Last year Egypt, with the help of the Untied Arab Emirates, bombed Islamist groups supported by Qatar, in Libya. Despite such bombing, militants from Misrata seized control of Tripoli airport along with civilian aircraft which caused panic in European capitals for fear of 9/11 style attacks. In Yemen, a Shi'ite group from the north, called the Houthis, have seized control of the capital Sana'a, dissolving the parliament and removing the president, who was supporting US drone attacks on Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in the south. Western countries have closed their embassies and fled Yemen. Jordanian air force is bombing Raqqa in Syria which is the de facto headquarters of the IS after a Jordanian pilot was burnt alive by the IS. The UAE is also supporting Jordan's bombing of IS targets in Syria. Hundreds of Yazidis, a Christian sect, were killed and women sold as sex slaves until the siege of Mount Sinjar was broken by Kurdish fighters, allowing the Yazidis to escape. Now the Yazidis are exacting revenge by killing Sunni Arabs, who they suspect of supporting the IS. The Sunnis are supporting the IS because the former Prime Minister of Iraq, Nouri al Maliki, installed by the US, was a Shia and persecuted the Sunnis. Large parts of northern Iraq, including the city of Mosul, are in the control of the IS. The fight against the IS in Iraq is being waged by Shi'ite fighters backed by Iran. Having withdrawn forces from everywhere Obama is dependent on Iran to restrain IS from gaining more ground. Which means he has to go soft on Iran's nuclear program. Which means Israel and Saudi Arabia may take unilateral action against Iran. So has Obama learnt his lesson? No, he is eager to supply weapons to the Ukranian government. He is a bigger moron than Bush.

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