Friday, January 09, 2015

Just tax it like smoking.

Even before funerals have been held for the victims of the killings in Paris the excuses have started pouring out. These are just a handful of criminals, the rest of them are wonderful chaps really. And, this has nothing to do with what is written, it is a " perverted interpretation " of the text. Apparently, ' blasphemy ' does not exist but has been invented by vested interests to further their own agenda. If only a few perverted criminals have invented the crime of blasphemy as an excuse for killing then why has a blogger been sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1000 lashes in Saudi Arabia. According to Pakistan's constitution blasphemy is punishable by death. So what happened in Paris is not an aberration, a crime carried out by a few misguided individuals, but state policy of the faithful. Congress MP, Mani Shankar Aiyar justified the killings as a reaction to attacks on their communities, drawing enormous criticism from the chatterati. But he is not totally wrong. These attacks are happening because western idiots removed Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi, thus letting the proverbial genie out of the bottle. China reacts very differently to such attacks. But if we say anything it will be branded as stereotyping, racial profiling or hate speech and we might end up in prison. Why are our politicians so careful and polite in dealing with terrorism when innocent citizens are being killed regularly? Because they gain from it. Enormously. It gives them the reason for Z+ security, official cars and luxury bungalows in the secure zone of Lutyens Delhi. It also gives them the excuse for greater surveillance of ordinary citizens with biometric identity cards, CCTV cameras everywhere and curtailing our right to free speech. Not just in India but also in the citadel of free speech, the US, which sees nothing wrong in a film which shows Kim Jong Un's face being blown off. Thus, a low level of terrorism allows ' democratic politicians ' to add to their powers enormously while keeping the great unwashed under control. It also allows for an increase in the defence budget which increases profits of those industries and contribution to campaign finance. As long as those fellows do not get out of hand and start blowing up planes because that results in massive insurance payments and losses for the companies. It is like smoking. There is now no doubt that smoking kills. It affects virtually every organ in the body. Even passive or secondary smoke is dangerous for human health. Smokers are treated as pariahs. You cannot smoke in public places, cigarettes cannot be kept in plain view and taxes are astronomical. But surely if something is that harmful it should be banned? Not a single country has banned it. Why? Taxes bring big money. Start taxing terrorists heavily. That will make them think.

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