Saturday, November 08, 2014

US foreign policy guided by emotion? Inexplicable.

A much reduced Obama is visiting Asia, hoping to counter the rising threat of China. He will find a completely different Asia compared to his last visit. India and Indonesia have elected new leaders, Thailand is under military rule while the middle east is in flames. Foreign policy is the President's preserve. In this he is advised by the State Department, which has divided the world into various regions, to analyse events and devise policy to the benefit of the US. Which is how it should be. Therefore, you would expect that the assistant secretaries in charge of each department would be entirely logical in their recommendations and not motivated by emotion, personal dislikes or religious dogma. We have seen how a senior officer in the US embassy in Delhi engineered the sexual assault on Devyani Khobragade by New York Police baboons. But this attempt to humiliate India was nothing compared to the hostile campaign mounted against India by Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia, Robin Raphel in the 1990s. She equated India and Pakistan in terrorist activities against each other. " You have been asking us to for many years to declare Pakistan as a state-sponsor of terrorism. Yes, we will do so. But we will simultaneously act against India too if it did not stop meddling in Pakistan," she is reported to have said. After leaving the State Department she became a lobbyist for Pakistan saying that " there is less than perfect understanding of Pakistan here," and her job would be to make sure that " all relevant parties have the facts." In blatant interference with Indian sovereignty she created the Hurriyat in Kashmir and was in constant touch with separatists. She even acted as an agent of Pakistan by trying to force an Indian delegation to accept unofficial papers from Pakistan. " My friends over in Pakistan want you to go through this paper. It is not an official document, but....," she said. Why? Why is the US totally blind in its support of Pakistan? Why does it hate India, when you would expect strong friendship because India is a democracy, has no intention of attacking anyone and potentially a huge market, compared to the a poor, failed state like Pakistan, which is surviving on handouts? Especially when the ISI organised the 9/11 attacks and was supplying arms to the Taliban to kill US and Nato forces in Afghanistan. But an even bigger mystery is why India does not declare Pakistan a state-sponsor of terrorism, cut off all relations, build a fence along the border, lay land mines so that not even a rat can get across and shoot at anything that moves. Why did we go to Sharm al-Sheikh on bended knees just 6 months after the attacks in Mumbai? Have our Prime Ministers been taking orders from Washington? Terrifying thought.

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