Thursday, November 06, 2014

Uniform taxation impossible without spending control.

An article by Wolfgang Schauble, Germany's Minister for Finance, argues that taxation is now a global issue. " There is an increasing focus on intangible assets and mobile investment income that can easily be ' optimized ' from a tax point of view and transferred abroad," he writes. Developed countries with low birth rates suffer from a double whammy of increasing social spending on pensions and healthcare for an increasingly aging population along with a shrinking pool of young people who pay income tax and spend a lot on lifestyle, on which the government can collect indirect taxes. " ....the issue of fair taxation is becoming more and more pressing, because the number of taxpayers who make an adequate contribution to financing public goods and services is decreasing," he says. Economists refuse to acknowledge that wealth cannot be acquired without exploitation and western countries grew rich on slavery, colonialism and predatory taxation, through which they procured cheap commodities from poor countries and sold them very expensive goods manufactured from the same commodities. Developing countries are cursed with high birth rates among the poor, the very people who cannot afford to provide good nutrition, education or healthcare to their children, resulting in an exploding underclass forever dependent on handouts, to survive. 122 countries have agreed a Common Reporting Standard under which tax authorities will automatically share information with each other. Schauble suggests a uniform tax policy throughout the world. " A beggar-thy-neighbour taxation policy, by which one country pursues tax policies at the expense of others, is just as dangerous as beggar-thy-neighbour monetary policies based on competitive currency devaluation," he writes. Easily said but not so easy to implement. India has the highest rates of taxes in the world. While we pay tax on any income above Rs 250,000 in Germany there is no tax on income below 8354 Euros, Rs 634,000. All airlines in India will go bankrupt unless taxes are reduced from insane levels. Taxes on real estate in south Delhi have been increased so that buyers will have to pay taxes on assumed rates, higher than the market rates. In New Friends Colony and Defence Colony circle rates are double the market rates. The poor do not pay direct taxes while the rich avoid them by getting compensated by alternative means, such as stock options. Indirect taxes add to inflation and reduce demand, as Japan found out when it raised sales tax to 8%. In India indirect taxes are in excess of 20%. Also, in India taxpayer money is used by politicians for personal enjoyment. We must have strict control on spending if we are to have uniform taxation. That these criminal beggars will never allow.

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