Monday, July 14, 2014

They are like us only.

In 2012, former President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy was questioned by a judge for accepting illegal campaign donation, in the form of envelopes stuffed with cash, from Liliane Bettencourt, the richest woman of France. Couple of weeks ago he was questioned by police for 15 hours on a charge of corruption and influence peddling. Apparently the police were tapping his mobile phone and picked up a conversation in which Sarkozy was asking magistrates about the status of the previous case and even promised a magistrate a high-powered job in Monaco if he passed on legal secrets. If convicted he faces 10 years in prison. Sarkozy was the president when the then Chief of the IMF, Dominique Strauss Kahn was arrested in a flight out of New York and marched off to prison in handcuffs on a charge of rape on a hotel maid, which could not be proved in court. Strauss Kahn was to be the candidate for the Socialist Party against Sarkozy in the coming presidential elections and was sure to win. He could not stand because of the false case against him but Sarkozy lost to Hollande anyway and is now alleging that all the cases against him are politically motivated. Sarkozy would probably have been safer with a complete debauch like Strauss Kahn. Meanwhile a totally biased Supreme Court in the US has ruled against providing cost of contraception by private companies under the Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as Obamacare. This was apparently a very important religious issue although it is hard to understand why any employer should have to provide the cost of contraception anyway. An employer would be required to pay for cost of travel, hotel stay and food if you are engaged in business for your employer, because you are working to increase his profits but sex is never part of any business. On the other hand if the employer has to pay for maternity leave then it makes eminent sense to pay a few dollars for contraception, thus saving a lot of money. In another confusing case the Speaker of the House, John Boehner is going to sue Obama for postponing implementation of some parts of Obamacare to 2015. The House has become completely inactive because the Republicans, who have a majority in the House, hate Obama so much that they will not pass any bill however sensible it maybe. So Obama has been administering through Executive Action, known as Ordinance in India. The Congress passed 61 Ordinances in 10 years. So, cash under the table, false cases, police bias, wrong Supreme Court judgement, politicians squabbling, sounds exactly like India does it not? Only difference is that if you go to prison you complete your sentence. Not be allowed out on parole to attend nightclubs.

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