Saturday, July 19, 2014

No more alien mystery please.

Conspiracy theories are born when people either do not understand what they are told or they do not believe. More than 50 years after the shooting of John Kennedy people continue to believe in the theory of the ' grassy knoll '. After MH370 disappeared from radar in the early hours of 8 March we were told that it had crashed into the sea despite the fact that not one piece of debris from the plane was ever found floating on the water. This was so against common sense that relatives, especially the Chinese, still do not believe what they are told. Common sense would suggest that the plane crashed on land and the Chinese probably think that the Chinese government shot it down somewhere over Chinese territory and Malaysia is helping in the cover up. They are too scared to say so because they will be put in prison on a charge of treason so they are filled with rage. As Sherlock Holmes said," Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." So we come to another Malaysian Airlines flight, number MH17 which was in all probability shot down over Ukraine on 17 July. The western countries, orchestrated by Washington, are trying to convince us that President Putin of Russia is responsible in some way. They say that the rebels in the east of the country shot the plane down with Surface to Air Missiles supplied by Russia. But they do not tell us how. A plane flying at 33,000 feet cannot be seen or heard by men standing on the ground. To accurately locate the plane you need sophisticated radar which the rebels do not have. It is possible that the rebels fired the missile at a government plane bombing rebel territory, missed the original target and hit the civil airline. After all neither the rebels nor Russia have anything to gain from shooting a Malaysian airliner. The government controls airports with radar to locate all planes and has the same SAM missiles left over from the Soviet Union. Russia claims that the Ukrainian government wanted to shoot down Putin's plane which flew over Ukraine sometime later. That would be extremely foolish as it would invite immediate Russian attack. The doomed flight was apparently 300 miles to the north of the correct flight path. An Air India flight from Delhi to Birmingham was within 25 km of MH17 and heard the tower's instructions to fly ' direct routing ' instead of the normal zigzag route from one navigation tower to another. That can be easily verified by the cockpit voice recorder. The truth will out but the extremely aggressive reporting by the western media, calling Putin a child murderer, makes you smell something rotten. When a serial killer like Obama takes a moral stand it is laughable. Hope we get a proper answer this time. The dead deserve it.

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