Friday, November 15, 2013

The grassy knoll definitely exists.

In an article titled " The love for conspiracy theories " one Sandipan Deb ridicules the tendency for human beings to look for conspiracies where none exist. He lists the AIDS epidemic, the shooting of President Kennedy, the death of Subhash Chandra Bose and 9/11 attacks where people have not believed the official explanations and concocted wild theories to explain the events. The official explanation for AIDS is that it emerged in Africa when the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus mutated to infect humans who handled blood of monkeys while eating them as bushmeat. But why now and why in Africa? SIV must have existed for centuries but has not infected humans thus far and Chinese are known to eat raw monkey brain without getting infected. The index case was a homosexual man in California. As for Kennedy, Marina Oswald, the wife of Lee Harvey, has broken her silence to claim that her husband was innocent of the crime. People who claimed that Princess Diana was murdered were ridiculed until recently when a man referred to as Soldier N has claimed that the SAS in Britain arranged the accident by blinding the driver of the car, Henri Paul by shining a laser in his eyes. The soldier's wife, Mrs N has been warned by the SAS that she could be killed. Knowing how snobbish the British aristocracy is, is it at all conceivable that they would have been pleased with the mother of the future king married to a Muslim Egyptian? Can anyone imagine Diana attending Prince Williams marriage and coronation in a burqa? The death of Syama Prasad Mukherjee, the founder of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, in custody is suspicious enough but the sudden death of Lal Bahadur Shastri on the night he signed the Tashkent agreement, reversing all the gains that the Indian armed forces had made against Pakistan, is surely too much of a coincidence. Was there an autopsy? If not, why not? It is true that people, not just in India, but in every country in the world have developed an almost total distrust in politicians and it maybe satisfying to claim inside knowledge of an event but the recent disclosure of how the NSA in the US and the GCHQ in Britain have been bugging countries and world leaders leads to a feeling of us against them. We are told that if we have nothing to hide then why worry so we can ask if they do not intend anything nasty why spy on us. Whether Mr Deb likes it or not the " grassy knoll " does exist.

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