Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Libyans will gradually realise how badly they have been shafted by the Scottish government. The case against Al Megrahi was built on lies and evidence hidden from the defence counsel. His co defendant was released on appeal but Megrahi was kept in prison by Scottish judges on orders of the US ( see the case of the Chagos islanders ). Megrahi had launched a second appeal and this time the lies may have unravelled so he was given this deal. Drop the appeal and you will be released on humanitarian grounds. A man with terminal prostate cancer his desire to be with his family must have weakened his resolve to clear his name and he succumbed. The Libyans played into British hands by greeting him as a hero. Now his conviction remains proven on paper and the British and the US are acting as injured parties. By this one act the British prevented their slave judicial system from being exposed. They have saved enormous amounts of money which would have been required to treat the cancer and they are calling him a mass murderer. Some two decades ago Al Haig, then Secreatary of State, called the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington a
' duplicitous bastard '. Clearly there are many more such bastards in Britain even today.

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