Sunday, August 02, 2009

Harry Truman was a mass murderer. Kennedy was a serial philanderer. Richard 'I am not a crook' Nixon resigned. Ford played golf while Carter dithered. Ronald Reagan was dementing in his second term so Nancy ran the country with the aid of seances. George Junior and Uncle Dick have been a total disaster so I fail to understand the hostility towards Sarah Palin. Sure she is rambling and incoherent but it is nothing that cannot be solved by a little intellectual makeover. India has the complete solution to all her problems. We have the best private tutors in the world at chinese melamine prices. After all our teachers do not teach in class so as to give private tuitions in private. They are great at it. So come and stay in India, Sarah, between november and march. Great weather, great food and learn everything from geography to economics to politics. Our chamcha politicians and press will give you such a build up as you have never dreamed of in your life. On your way back shop at Dubai, watch a few football World Cup matches in South Africa and have a few beers in Georgia and you will be feted as a seasoned authority on world affairs when you return home. After all americans still think that the world stretches between Coney Island and Sunset Boulevard. So come on Sarah. Let your presidential quest begin in the land of the famous rope trick and, in four years, you will do to the Paki loving Democrats what you did to that moose. And you are way prettier than that Bobby Jindal.

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