Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Read this story a long time ago. Seems that Roosevelt walked into Churchill's room at 10 Downing Street one morning when Churchill was just emerging stark naked from the bathroom. Embarassed FDR turned to go when Churchill said,' Please don't leave Mr. President. After all the Prime Minister of Britain has nothing to hide from the President of the United States.' This naked surrender has seen successive Prime Ministers of Britain as 'running dog lick spittle of the US' doing whatever their masters across the Atlantic ordered. Blair was portrayed as the poodle of Bush but that would be to insult dogs in general. After dogs have a natural dignity and respond to the love shown by the owner. Blair's abject obedience was akin to that of slaves. Americans have a history of owning slaves and are quite comfortable doing so. Thus Bush addressed Blair as ' Yo, Blair ' much as he would have addressed his favourite slave in the olden days. Some have seen Britain as the 51st state of the US but states in the US have a lot of autonomy which Britain does not enjoy. That explains Britain's humility and support of any American misadventure as in Iraq. Thus it was hilarious to see the anxiety expressed by the BBC reporter this morning because Hilary Clinton did not mention Britain and the ' Special Relationship ' in her speech to the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. She mentioned India, China and every European country but not the UK. The fellow's lip was quivering. If the master is getting indifferent what happens to the slave nation?

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