Friday, January 16, 2009

Do not get what the Arabs are playing at. Egypt is trying to mediate between Israel and Hamas and its proposal includes plans for foreign monitors along the border to prevent smuggling of weapons by Hamas. All the tunnels are ending inside Egypt and Iran is supplying weapons to Hamas through Egypt. Thus Egypt is allowing Iran to use its land for illegal purposes which surely is an insult to its sovereignty. Assad of Syria said, in an interview on the BBC' that Israel's actions will increase extremism and breed terrorists. That is so much rubbish. Public anger and hatred in the Arab world is against its leaders. Oasama bin Laden started his fight against the Saudi Royal family and every Egyptian doctor I have met simply hates the President as a dictator. To save themselves the Arab government divert public anger towards Israel and allow Iran to use their people and land for its own agenda. With US forces withdrawing from Iraq, Iran will be able to dominate the entire gulf oil supply by moving along Saudi and Kuwait borders. It can then try and capture the Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia. It tried to capture Makkah once but failed. Next time maybe not. If Iran acquires nuclear weapons it will have a Persian empire not seen since the days of Darius. Tiny Israel, even with nuclear weapons, is no threat but Iran ia altogether much bigger and formidable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more!
The truce was only formed for Barack Hussein Obama's inauguration as the most powerful man in the world (waiting for you to post a good blog on this topic). I give it a few days before Hamas start firing those rockets again.

I think a lot will depend on President Barack Hussein Obama (loved his speech about extending a hand to the muslim world), as I think the Iranians will want to keep him happy, at least for a while...till the whole world can figure him out.