Sunday, November 16, 2008

Homosexuals in the US are protesting against Proposition 8 banning marriage between gays. There are two lies put out by those who support homosexuality. 1. It is about deep love between to persons of the same sex. It is not. It is about sex. After all you love your mother but you do not have sex with her. 2. Male and female homosexuality are the same. They are not. Two females cannot have sex because there can be no penetration. At best they can stimulate each other. Between males there can be penetration but one will end up with faeces on his organ. Apart from being smelly and revolting, 50% by weight of human faeces consists of bacteria, some of which are very pathogenic. Surely no normal, sane man will want to smear his private parts with faecal matter. This is nothing to do with religion or morality but is to do with human anatomy and how we are built. I have no objection to two adults doing anything behind closed doors but I do object to fellows calling press conferences to announce that they are homosexual just as I consider people revealing their most intimate secrets to Oprah Winfrey to be disgusting. Whatever the arguments homosexuality between men is grossly abnormal.

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