Monday, August 11, 2008

There is no doubt that the US and its european allies are trying to encircle Russia with satellite states with membership of NATO. The US financed the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine and, most probably, the ousting of Shevardnadze in Georgia to bring in its stooge, Mikhail Sakashvili who, most probably, stole the elections last year. One can understand the desire of states to become members of the EU which cause rapid economic advance but membership of the NATO, a military organisation, shows a hostile intent and is provocative. If the US is entitled to show enmity to Cuba surely Russia has every right to be suspicious of NATO and if the US supports Israeli blockade of legitimately elected Hamas surely Russia can question illegitimately elected Sakashvili. The origin of the present conflict lies in the indiscriminate bombardment by Georgian forces on South Ossetia. Sakashvili claims that South Ossetia is an integral part of Georgia. Why then did he launch an all out bombardment of his own people? Though much smaller how is it any different from Bashir's attacks in Darfour and Mugabe's attacks on opponents? Bush must remember the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed by US forces in Iraq before he starts shooting off his mouth. The BBC, as usual, is totally one sided in its reporting of the conflict. It is not showing any of the South Ossetian civilians killed or wounded by Georgians, only concentrating on showing outrage at Russian actions. The hypocrites should remember that what is sauce for the goose is surely ketchup for the gander.

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