Saturday, August 02, 2008

In Saudi Arabia I was told that on Judgement Day all muslims will be resurrected from their graves and stand naked in a queue before God. Each person will have the same body as on earth and will be exactly the same as on earth. Thus a professor will remain erudite while an illiterate will remain such as he was. A Bihari will continue to speak Bhojpuri while a Bangladeshi will speak Bangladeshi. As each person comes upto God his good and bad deeds will be read out and points tallied to see if the person deserves hell or heaven. Questions will then be asked of him. All this will happen in Arabic, not the Arabic of today but that of the Holy Book. If the person is unable to answer the questions put to him he will be put on a wall, on one side is Paradise with its 72 virgins and on the other side is Hell with vats of boiling oil. The questions will be repeated three times and if still unable to answer he will go straight to hell where he will be dipped in boiling oil. His skin will be burnt off, he will be lifted up whereupon his skin will instantly regrow and he will then be dipped again. This continues eternally. 99.99% of muslims in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan know nothing of Arabic and will thus be unable to answer any question put to them. They are all destined for Hell and boiling oil. Killing Hindus will not save them from the vats. Arabs know this and refer to muslims from South Asia in derogatory terms. 'Kullu al buraz'.

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