Wednesday, July 23, 2008

At last after thirteen years of hiding Radovan Karadzic has been arrested in Serbia and will, in all probability, be transferred to the Hague for trial at the War Crimes Tribunal. Watching the coverage on BBC and CNN one cannot help feeling nauseated at the hypocrisy of these white Anglo Saxon channels. Reporters are recounting all his alleged crimes at length and emphasing what a monster he is. And so he is. He is probably responsible for the death of at least 10000 civilians, including children, in Bosnia and that makes him a mass murderer deserving the severest punishment on offer. However, for us sitting thousands of miles away, justice would really have been served if Bush and Blair were standing alongside this man in the dock. If Karadzic is responsible for 10000 deaths, Bush and Blair are surely responsible for hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq where they have been fighting an illegal war based on lies about WMDs. At least Bush has an excuse. He attacked Iraq because Saddam was a bad man who had insulted his daddy and he had discussed everything with God beforehand anyway. Since he had taken permission from the Big Guy up there he can be forgiven. There is no excuse for Blair. He is a lawyer by profession so must have known that the war is illegal. He lied to the Commons about weapons ready to be fired within 45 minutes and has repeatedly lied to the nation. His support provided the fig leaf that Bush needed and he is therefore guilty of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed. But he is not facing any prosecution. Instead he has a highly paid job as peacemaker between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The lesson seems to be that if you kill 10000 then you will be punished but if you kill ten times that number you will be rewarded. No wonder people are predicting apocalypse any time soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post.
I'm watching the Indian News channel from London (UK), and already there are idiots claiming that these terrorist attacks are sociological and not religious based...what a load of rubbish.
When you take a religion with dangerous beliefs and mix it with ignorant people, you get fanatical muslims. There is no reasoning with these people, no “bridging of gaps”, and there should be no mistaking that their only intent is to cause misery on as many as possible (believing that somehow this will allow them to go to heaven). The attacks were sick (how could anyone target a hospital???), and I have no doubt that there are many muslims who behind closed doors are praising the terrorists. The whole world should view these people as evil and vilify them as we did the Nazis.
For the “moderate” muslims (and I do know many muslims like this), I think it is time for them to look inwards at their own religious groups and societies, and contemplate on how to stop the breeding of such extremists…it is now their responsibility to save their religion from these evil fanatics.
In Britain, parliament are trying to push through tougher terrorism laws, and in India the same should happen but to a more extreme degree (especially since India's next door neighbour, Pakistan, seems to be one of the main suppliers of terrorists).
My heart goes out to all the victims and their families of these attacks