Monday, May 07, 2007

Apparently there were noisy scenes in parliament which is nothing new seeing the quality of legislators we have. Congress and allies were shouting for the resignation of the Chief Minister of Gujarat for the killing of a woman by some police officers. Police officers have been in the habit of executing criminals vigilante style and then making it look as if a shootout had taken place. Police in India are under total control of politicians. Recently the Supreme Court asked all state governments to free all police from political interference but naturally politicians are refusing. With criminals becoming politicians to control the police and so avoid prosecution they are never going to listen to the Court. Crimes committed by politicians and their thuggish children are routinely covered up as we saw in Jessica Lall, Priyadarshini Mattoo, Madhumita and many other murders. The police are paid poorly and have no provision for medical care. A sub inspector I saw for asthma could not afford to buy inhalers costing Rs. 280. Is he not going to take bribes to survive? They are despised by the public and under pressure to reduce the crime rate when criminals are the friends of politicians. When things tend to get out of hand they ambush the person they want and eliminate him. A sick perverted system breeds a sick police force. The biggest joke is that the Congress which ruled this country unbroken for sixty years and is responsible for this mess is shouting for justice. No sharam, na izzat.

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