Thursday, March 29, 2007

The pressure seems to be really on Robert Mugabe. With hyperinflation and increasingly brutal suppression of the opposition he is rapidly becoming another Idi Amin or Samuel Doe. No one said anything when he massacred the Ndebeles in Matabeleland almost two decades ago and has been killing opponents ever since. Only since he took over white owned farms has the attention suddenly focussed on him. Who cares for a bunch of blacks getting killed anyway. After all we were so kind to them when we had them as slaves. All across Africa thousands of men are getting murdered, women are being raped and children forced into armed conflicts but apart from pious words and well intentioned hand wringing we get nothing. Why no regime change in Sudan inspite of the genocide in Darfur? Is it because the oil there is being controlled by the Chinese who are masters of genocide anyway. From Mao's Great Leap to ethnic cleansing in Tibet today the Chinese have perfected the art of killing and coercing entire populations. Their expertise is not limited to humans only but extends to the animal world. They consume every living thing including tigers, bears, civets even human foetuses. Many species face extinction because of their all consuming appetite. Sadly for us they are our neighbours.

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