Wednesday, January 31, 2007

To stop the conservatives from foaming at the mouth let us call them Citizens Management Companies or CMCs instead of trade unions. There should be at least five of these to encourage competition. They should have millions of members across the whole country. Members will pay fees according to salary. Company tax to be reduced to 10% or less and 30% of dividend declared would be paid to the relevant CMC. This would make all pay disputes unnecessary and workers would have an incentive in increasing profitability. Government schools do not work anyway so all these schools to be handed over to private institutions. A certain minimum of the GDP would be handed over to the CMCs who will pay schools for all children thereby ensuring all children regardless of caste or class get the same top class education. If a school fails to deliver the quality required children would be shifted to another one. The same with healthcare. The govt will hand over money to the CMCs who will buy comprehensive health insurance for all. The CMCs will have lawyers who will fight for justice and against all forms of extortion. Since they will be all over the country they will be best suited to match the best candidates to vacancies in jobs. They can facilitate easy movement of people across the country by arranging mortgages, sales and purchase of properties. Since they will have investigated and registered each property as legal people will not be at the mercy of crooked property dealers. Of course all these services will generate revenues which the CMCs will be able to use for other services such as old age care. I feel this is the only way to give genuine power to the people and get corrupt government off our backs.

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