Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Moonlight thankyou for your wishes. I wish you a very happy and prosperous new year and hope that you find reward for your efforts. I had gone to Bahrain for a month and returned the day Saddam was hanged after a kangaroo trial. All his fault really. Had he put up a bit of a fight and taken just five hundred Americans in the first days of the attack the Americans would have given up. He could have flooded the desert with oil and set fire to it when American tanks rolled in, he could have mined the highway, he could have targeted the first and last vehicles of the supply convoys and then attacked the trapped soldiers in the middle or he could have booby trapped his palaces to take as many enemy as possible. He definitely should have blown himself up with his captors but he did nothing. He did not even bother to switch off the lights on the highways so that the Americans had a clear drive on beautifully signposted highways straight on to Baghdad. I think it is disgusting that you hand over your country to invaders without any resistance whatsoever. Maybe dictators are not so clever after all. Maybe he was more afraid of his generals than he was of the Americans, hoping they would never find him or convinced that they would not dare to kill him against Arabic opinion. In the event the Americans were clever enough to find him and stupid enough to get him lynched by Shia militia after a grossly unfair trial presided over by a Kurd. Shows a Texan redneck is no cleverer than a murdering dictator. At least Saddam was brave at the end and has left a big headache for his enemies in the form of a video.

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