Monday, July 03, 2006

India Dying may seem strange name to choose when all we keep hearing is that India is shining, infotech industry is growing exponentially and the US is actually wanting to make us their nuclear partner. Also I am not some sort of antinational who only sees the negative in everything. Thing is I do not exist.
This is not something to do with Maya and the Ultimate Reality stuff but about me as a citizen of India. I do exist in the sense that I have a body, practice as a Consultant Physician, own a car, possess a driving licence, a PAN card and a passport and pay taxes but still do not exist in that I have no rights, even the right to life.
I pay road tax but drive on broken roads, pay property tax but receive no water, pay income tax but am treated with contempt by the politicians and civil servants. I may be killed by any criminal politician or his son and the murderer will walk around without any worry. Jessica Lall, Shivani Bhatnagar and Madhumati come immediately to mind.Three young ladies killed without any mercy and the killers are still free. Not skulking in some hovel, afraid to go out in case they are caught but living free in society, enjoying life and laughing at the teeth gnashing grief of their families. Any thieving police constable may shoot me dead and burn my body claiming that I was
a terrorist. My family would not be given my ashes to carry out my feneral. Indeed I am lower than a cow in importance. If any VIP were to kill a cow there will be a riot and he will have to appologise and compensate but killing me will be like swatting a fly. I am not alone in this. The great majority of citizens, like me, also do not exist. We go through our lives accepting insults and humiliation on a daily basis as our fate. Small wonder people are taking up arms against the state. The state is the enemy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank You. Just simply reading your post makes me feel that i have voiced my anguish similar to yours.
The second post too is informative.