Friday, July 14, 2006

India and Israel, both victims of terrorist attacks but what different response. While Israel is defending itself by going after its enemies our' Great Leaders' ring their hands in helpless stupidity. Some even try to make political points on opponents while blood and tears flow uninhibited. A million strong army, billions of dollars worth of hardware controlled by a selfish, emasculated and clueless bunch. What a glorious advertisement for 5000 years of civilisation. A Paki retired general has written that the Indian government has been warned that any attack on Pakistan by any nation will be answered by a nuclear attack on India. And we have been cowed by this rubbish. Tell the Pakis that any attack on India will mean total annihilation of that stinking country and also give them a list of their home addresses and tell them where the first bombs would fall. But we cannot even answer Bangladesh. I was at the border in 1971 when the Bangladesh war was on. The Mukti Bahini is a myth. They were a malnourished, uneducated mob armed with 303 rifles they could hardly carry. The whole war was fought by Indian commandoes who would go across at night and beat the hell out of the Pakis. Now the Bangladeshis regularly shoot across the border or kidnap and torture BSF personnel. Any other nation would have bombed the ingratitude out of these wretches but instead we invite their Prime Minister for a red carpet wellcome. Time has come for us to make friends with Israel, send our troops to help them and invite them to teach us how to obliterate our enemies.

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