Sunday, December 22, 2013

A race of the mediocre, who will lose?

The meek, we are told, shall inherit the earth. Instead the mean and the cheats have grabbed power in every country of the world. There were George Bush and his unscrupulous poodle, Tony Blair who rid the world of the evil tyrant, Saddam Hussein, apparently to bring peace and prosperity to the Iraqi people. Instead they have been responsible for the deaths and maiming of more people than Saddam could have done in 10 lifetimes. Then, David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy did the same to Gaddafi in Libya by killing at least 30,000 Libyans. Today Libya is a country of armed gangs and Al Qaeda and people are still dying. Did they learn anything from their stupid meddling in events that they did not understand? No. Sarkozy was kicked out, to be replaced by Francois Hollande, the most unpopular President in the history of France. This time they were going to be oh so cunning. They would not get directly involved but will get rid of the evil dictator, Bashar al-Assad by supplying ' aid ' to the rebels. However, when there are free goodies to be had Al Qaeda is not going to miss out even if they have to kill other rebels in the process. So now Britain and the US are stopping even non-lethal aid to the rebels. What about the non-muslim, non-black Barack Obama? He is supposed to be a master of the lofty rhetoric. Or hot air in layman's language. He was going to bring peace to the world by refraining from war, withdraw from Iraq, control finance companies and bring affordable healthcare to every American. He has, after a fashion. Although many have lost their previous health cover even though he had promised they would not. Republicans have stopped or delayed budgets, are threatening to cut spending on social security and have held up appointments to key posts. Iraq is sliding towards civil war, Libya is already there and Afghanistan will be taken over by the Taliban with Pakistani support while he continues to supply money and arms to them. He has allowed the NSA to run amok, spying on everyone including friendly countries, infuriating leaders. He has presided over cold blooded murder of children and civilians by extensive use of drones. Perhaps he thinks he is safe. After all who will dare touch a former president of the US of A? Maybe things will change. Maybe he will need to be strip searched and his cavities examined. In an unpredictable world you never can tell. Can you?

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