Monday, December 10, 2012

It does not smell right.

About one week ago, the Duchess of Combridge, Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William was admitted to King Edward VII private hospital in London with uncontrolled vomiting. The Palace was forced to admit that the Duchess is pregnant when the formal announcement was supposed to be at Sandringham Castle during Christmas. During early morning, around 5 am, the next day a couple of DJs from the 2Day FM radio station in Sidney, Australia called the hospital and, after 5 attempts, managed to get the duty nurse on the line. The DJs put on fake accents supposed to resemble Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles and asked to be put through to the Duchess. The call was transferred to another nurse who answered questions from the DJs about the Duchess saying that she had slept fitfully and was being administered fluids. The radio station broadcast the hoax call as a joke. Following this there was a huge uproar in the British press and the following morning the nurse who first answered the call, Jacintha Saldanha was found dead in her room at the hospital nurses residence in a case of suspected suicide. Ms Saldanha was originally from Mangalore in India and lived with a husband and 2 teenage children. Following the discovery of her death the uproar in the British press has reached a crescendo, the 2 DJs, Mel Greig and Michael Christian are in hiding and the police in London have been in contact with the police in Sidney in the course of their investigation.  These are supposed to be the facts, but they do not make sense. The pregnancy of the Duchess was no secret and was being announced on every news bulletin by the BBC here in India where it is of no significance at all. India has not reached a population of 1.2 billion without an epidemic of pregnancy. Secondly, imitation of royalty is very common in the UK. Indeed, a woman dressed as the Queen arrived at the official opening ceremony of the London Olympics recently on a jet powered backpack as in a James Bond movie. Third, the call was just a prank and the nurse fell for it. Coming from abroad she would not have had the guts to refuse a request from someone she took to be the Queen. Fourth, the information given out was nothing at all. The patient had slept through the night showing that she was comfortable and was receiving fluids. What else was she supposed to receive? Any idiot would know that doctors would administer intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration to someone who is vomiting and unable to retain anything by mouth. Fifth, why did the nurse commit suicide? The hospital says that she was not reprimanded and was counselled instead. The family say that she died of shame because she is a Catholic. Surely suicide is forbidden in religion and she had 2 children to think of. Finally, why the hysteria in the British press? Is it to divert attention from the recommendation of stricter control by Lord Leveson? Something just does not smell right. Does it?

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