Friday, November 23, 2012

The original sin.

Adam and Eve were thrown out of paradise for the " original sin " of having sex. They had 2 sons, one of whom murdered the other. And men have been murdering each other ever since. In an article titled Mujahid or Mercenary, in today's TOI, VG Patankar, retired Lt General and former Corps Commander in Kashmir writes how time and again terrorists were typically young men from very poor families with many children who were tempted to infiltrate into India with offers of money. One 19 year old from Pak Pattan in West Punjab was promised a large sum of money besides regular sustenance and a handsome compensation to his family if he should die. Since he was from a large family of landless farm workers with 3 older sisters to marry off he joined readily. " I am not highly educated sahib, but within a few days of coming to India I knew that I had been led up the garden path by falsehoods," he said. When he was lying in a hospital bed, Ajmal Kasab, the terrorist who was hanged a couple of days ago, said that he didn't know much about jihad but had joined the terrorists only to earn some good money that could help his poor family. If poor people breed without restraint the children are malnourished and uneducated with no prospect of getting out of the poverty trap. They are easy recruits into any crime. If a man is going to die of hunger anyway he will happily risk his life for the chance of regular meals, good clothes and the respect that money brings. This is what drives drug smugglers in Mexico and Colombia, goons working for political gangs in India and terrorists in Pakistan and Gaza. People pay large sums of money to people smugglers to be taken to prosperous countries - from north Africa to Europe and from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan to Australia. Hundreds perish in stormy seas. As populations grow forests are cut down to find land for farming. Top soil is lost creating deserts, CO2 accumulates causing global warming and severe weather disturbances, from drought to floods, lead to loss of crops. People are forced to migrate in search of food and cut down more forests to grow crops. So it goes on with no end in sight. There are innumerable conferences where heads of governments, of various UN agencies and of aid agencies gather to make endless speeches about how we need to spend more money to eradicate poverty, hunger and infectious diseases but not one person talks about reducing the numbers of people. Millennium goals are set which cannot be met but a great time is had by all. In all this confusion a number of sinister companies are busy creating genetically modified foods on which they hold patents and which are programmed to die after one crop. Their goal is to control the entire food supply of the world and reduce everyone into slaves. It was not sex that was the original sin but Eve getting pregnant definitely was.

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