Monday, October 08, 2012

We need to be citizens.

Life has become almost impossible in India. There are too many people everywhere, poor services, too much noise, too much dirt, too much crime and a constant fear of being cheated or robbed at any moment. People do whatever they like and react violently if asked to desist. If building a house they will dump rubble on the road making it impossible to move, play music loudly if celebrating a marriage or a religious function, burst crackers till midnight to celebrate any event or park their cars obstructing gates. If you are careless you will be robbed instantly. India has one of the lowest population-police ratio in the world and of that number a large proportion is busy guarding criminal politicians and thieving civil servants. There is no community policing and the police will refuse to register cases to decrease work load. Politicians have built MK Gandhi into a Mahatma or saint and use him as an excuse to glorify poverty. This allows them to create a profusion of social schemes to help the poor and then divert the funds into their own pockets. Instead of creating infrastructure and jobs, which will give the poor financial power and freedom to manage their lives, they are made into helpless beggars, forever dependent on handouts to survive. China achieved its growth by increasing manufacturing which created tens of millions of jobs and dragged people out of poverty. By enforcing a one-child policy China forced people to be responsible for their lives, kept inflation under check and forced people to share some responsibility for the welfare of the country. According Pew Research Center 76% of Chinese now prefer to have one child. China has total exports of $1.8 trillion/year, Germany has exports of $1.4 trillion/year, Japan has exports of $780 billion/year, UK has exports of $650 billion/year and South Korea has exports of $558 billion/year. We were aiming to export $350 billion this year but will not reach the target. So where is this so called growth coming from? India has a population of 1.2 billion and if just 10% of the people have money it is equal to the combined populations of Germany and the UK. Not all the people in these countries are rich. They have children, students, unemployed and pensioners. So 10% of India can easily make an engine for growth. That leaves 90% who can see the material luxuries but are unable to satisfy their desires. That leads to crime. To build a society we need to control population, create jobs, reduce numbers of politicians and civil servants and, not just increase the numbers of police, but make them free of political interference. At present the government is adversarial and treats people as serfs to be ordered, bullied and taxed to hell. We need a government of servants. And finally we need zero tolerance. No filth, no noise, no erratic driving and polite behaviour. This has to come from the top. Sadly Indians have no role models to follow.

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