Monday, December 01, 2008

The world advises caution and restraint. What do Islamic states do to their own people when faced with dissent. Suharto of Indinesia, with US help, exterminated hundreds of thousands of communists. Saddam Hussein of Iraq gassed an entire Kurd village. Hafez al Assad of Syria used artillery against a town which had rebelled. His orders were not to leave even one brick standing. The army in Algeria has been eliminating Islamic fighters ( GLA? ). Egypt has been doing the same to the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi Arabia has been going guns blazing at whoever they suspect of being Al Qaeda. No compromises. Al Bashir of Sudan has been exterminating Nubian muslims in Darfour using Arab Janjaweed. Just a small list of what they do to their own people who disagree. In India we Hindus are killed and then abused in the name of Secularism. Was it secularism that made police and politicians ignore so many warnings of an attack? Resigning is not enough. They must stand trial as accessories to murder.

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