Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The government has accepted the recomendations of the Sixth Pay Commission which gives massive pay rises to corrupt and lazy government employees. This will cost 2.8 billion dollars and add to the inflationary pressures on the economy. The perennial complaint of the kleptocrats is that they are paid less than the private sector. The IAS officers are especially clever in getting higher pay rises than any other branch of government causing jealousy and resentment. the IPS and IFS fellows have already protested and now it is the turn of the army. They want pay rises comparable to the IAS and the private sector. This constant comparison with the private sector is so false that it takes your breath away. They only look at the the salaries of CEOs of large companies but not to the fact that every private sector employee is answerable to the management and to the shareholders. Kleptocrats, on the other hand, are not accountable to anyone. The most incompetent and dishonest is able to continue in his post and gets time bound promotions automatically. They are permanent and cannot be sacked. Surely this security of employment without having to do anything productive must be worth at least 10 million rupees a year. If a sarkari fellow dies of any cause his wife is given employment in the same office. Often that means a semi literate woman signing on everyday, sitting on her backside doing nothing and taking home a good salary at taxpayer's expense. Kleptocrats get to travel abroad at our expense without anyone ever asking for the reason. They are paid handsome pensions on retirement and many take jobs in the private sector. Solution is simple. Reduce the number of government employees by 75%. New employees will only be recruited if they agree to hire and fire. Triple the salaries but no perks or pensions. With higher salaries they will contribute to health and pension insurance. Promotion only on merit. Will any kleptocrat agree to an honest job description? Perish the thought.

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