Saturday, June 28, 2008

Guns have just one function and that is to kill. As expected the right wing Supreme Court in the US overturned the ban on handguns in Washington DC. The surprising thing, for me, is that the conservatives, including President Bush, are devout Christians. The life of Jesus was exemplary. As the Son of God he took great care to be born in a stables of a single mother, always took care of the poor and the sick including leprosy patients at a time when leprosy meant a slow and painful death and he forgave his enemies while in great agony on the cross. For me one of the greatest defining moments of his life was just before his capture. He knew that he had been betrayed and the Romans were coming for him yet he did nothing. He could have prayed to God,' Father, please send a dozen angels armed with AK47s and we will teach the Romans the mother of all lessons. While you are at it send down a couple of RPGs and we will have the Pilate fellow washing his underwear instead of his hands.' But he did nothing. He did not ask for spear, sword or even a knife. Worse he did not ask for a shield. HE CHOSE NOT TO DEFEND HIMSELF. These Christian fanatics send millions of dollars every year to India to convert Hindus but worship the National Rifle Association. Strange fellows.

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