Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Seems that Barak Obama is going to be the Demacratic candidate for the Presidential elections in novemeber. He is so far ahead that Hillary Clinton has almost no hope catching up with him barring some unforeseen miracle. Much is being made of the fact that Obama is from a minority community which is African American. However everyone seems to forget that George Bush is also represents a minority of the population as did Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan before him. I am talking about men. 47% of the American population is male and 57% female. It is a shameful fact that not one woman has been found suitable for the top job. The US preaches demacracy to all and sundry and surely the first rule of democracy is rule by the majority but women are being consistently denied. Had all women voted for Clinton she would surely have won but they did not. After this Women should not whine about the glass ceiling and unequal pay. Women still look up to men. What a shame.


Ambest said...

First of all if 47% of the population are male, how can 57% be female (or do you believe that 4% are undecided).

Second of all, Miss Clinton would still be in contention if Florida's vote had been counted.

Thirdly, it doesn't matter if the black man or the white woman wins it...we all know the old man (McCain) is gonna be the next president.

And finally after the years and scares of Thatcher in the UK, and the almost years of scares of Sonia Gandhi, should the world ever have a woman as the most powerful person in the world???

The Aam Aadmi said...

Sorry about the numbers. A typo. Should be 53%. Nixon was a crook, Ford played golf, Carter dithered, Reagan was dementing after being shot, Clinton bombed a drug factory in Sudan and Bush, well we know about him. Will Clinton be any worse? Great for India if McCain wins. I shall be praying for him.