Sunday, January 13, 2008

The President of Kenya, whatshisname, has surely stolen the election but the US Ambassador saw nothing wrong in that and gave his support.Shakasvilli of Georgia most likely cheated but European observors saw nothing wrong. The reason why these men have been given support is because they are seen as supporters, or stooges as the opponents would say, of the West. Yet Western leaders are vehement in their abuse of Robert Mugabe because he rigs elections and connot stop criticising the Russians for voting for Putin. It is hard to understand why these idiots do not see that lies and hypocrisy get nowhere and Mugabe is able to survive for so long precisely because he exploits these double standards. Who is Bush to criticise Mugabe, Bashir of Saudan and the fellow in Ethiopia when he stole victory from Al Gore? Palestine is a different matter. The West has cut aid to the Palestinians for having voted for Hamas which is a criminal organisation. Critics say that it is collective punishment of the Palestinians for exercising their democratic right. But surely every right has a duty attached with it. If Italians were to vote in a government run by the Mafia should other governments deal with it? You may love your daughter and pay for her living but if she exercises her right to marry for love by marrying a thug that you dislike surely you have a right to cut off her allowance. She cannot claim to be a victim by saying that her children are going hungry. The Palestinians deliberately chose to vote for Hamas knowing full well that they would be unacceptable to the West as they should be to any civilised person. Now they should accept the consequences. Postscript : as predicted last time the Scotland Yard fellows have concluded that Ms. Bhutto was killed by the Al Qaeda and Mushi is blameless. What fun!

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