Friday, September 29, 2006

What's with the One God fellows. They have a common God and a common set of prophets starting with Abraham ( Ibrahim ) with Jews stopping at Moses ( Mousa ), Christians at Jesus ( Eisa ) and Moslems at Mohammad. Mousa and Eisa are very common names among Moslem Arabs. As I understand it God used to hand down his orders through these prophets who would later pass them on to their followers. Many of these prophets did not write down what communication they had received from God and their pronouncements were penned by their followers often decades after their death. Thus their would be several versions of their scriptures depending on the recall of a particular follower. For example their were several versions of the New Testament until the church destroyed all versions except one. However God did communicate with ordinary people on one occasion when he wrote the Ten Commandments in stone which could not be changed. He said ' Thou shalt not kill.' No exceptions. Kill who? Nobody whether heathen, kafir or enemy. Kill what? No animal, bird, fish or even plant. Kill when? At any time.Kill why? For any reason whatsoever. Yet forever Jews, Christans and Moslems have been killing each other and us Hindus because we worship idols. Catholics kill Protestants and Sunnis kill Shias. We Hindus do not kill each other saying my God is bigger, we do not convert and have never waged a Crusade or a Jihad. Yet we are kafirs or heathens.

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