Thursday, July 25, 2024

A grotesque misalliance.

"China's central bank on Thursday (25 July) unexpectedly cut a medium-term interest rate by the most in more than four years, marking the latest move by authorities to boost economic growth." "In a surprise move .., the People's Bank of China slashed the rate for its medium-term lending facility (MLF) - the interest for one-year loans to financial institutions - to 2.3% from 2.5%." The PBoC cut two benchmark interest rates on Monday. ET. "The PBoC issued 200 billion yuan ($27.5 billion) in one-year loans under its MLF at 2.30%, down 20 basis points from its previous MLF loan," and "The central bank also injected 235.1 billion yuan into markets through seven-day reverse repos at 1.70%." Reuters. This was done to improve month-end liquidity in banks. Why is the world's second largest economy resorting to 'jugaad' (wikipedia)? Because, "China's sputtering economy has prompted a dire, new shorthand online for pessimism about the prospects for any turnaround for jobs, income and opportunity: 'the garbage time of history'." "It was given a more recent boost when state media and commentators lined up to denounce the phrase." "It follows another buzzword China's censors have targeted...: 'lying flat', a call to a slacker life of limited ambition and quiet protest." Reuters. However, life may not remain quiet or peaceful for the Chinese. "Releasing a document during the third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, Chinese President Xi Jinping warned his countrymen to be prepared for 'black swan' and 'grey rhino' risks, reports Xinhua." 'Black swan' meant "an unexpected event with significant consequences, while a 'grey rhino' is a foreseeable risk often overlooked." ET. This could be a warning to the Chinese and to the world. "A telling similarity has been noticed between what Germany was doing before it invaded Poland in September 1939 and what China is doing now - stockpiling resources and raw materials. In the eastern Chinese port of Dongying, the start of 2024 has often seen several tankers docked simultaneously discharging Russian crude oil into a new 31.5 million barrels storage facility completed last year." China's stockpile "reportedly includes aluminium, antimony, cadmium, copper, gallium, germanium, indium, molybdenum, rare earth elements, tantalum, tin, tungsten, zinc, and zirconium." All of China's neighbors are in danger. "Amid escalating tension between China and its breakaway province of Taiwan, the danger of invasion is increasing." ET. "In the last few months, the Philippines and the waters around it have witnessed continuous Chinese aggression. Beijing claims almost all the waters." DH. "Now more than ever, Manila and the international community need to call Beijing's 'grey zone' activities in the contested waters what they are: Illegal, coercive, aggressive and deceptive." "The moniker, known as ICAD, was first coined by a Filipino general," wrote Karishma Vaswani. China is a grotesque misalliance of a capitalist economy controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CPC). The stresses must be unmanageable. Will it implode by itself or take the world with it? Sadly, India has a long border with this perverse nation. Unlucky.

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