Monday, May 20, 2024

We don't know.

"Nepal...banned the sale and import of a few spice-mix products made by Indian brands over alleged quality issues. This comes after Singapore and Hong Kong imposed a similar ban on India spices earlier." BT. An officer admitted that adulteration is rampant in India. "In the three years leading up to March 2023, Indian authorities tested 43 million food samples. Turns out, one in four did not conform to domestic food safety laws. Of these, one in six were either 'unsafe' or 'substandard'," wrote Sayantan Bera & Suneera Tandon. "But what they did not do is to alert the consumer." "There was no way for consumers to stay away from food items 'injurious to health'". 'We the people' (Preamble) are disposable. "On 9 May 2021, at the height of the second covid wave in Uttar Pradesh," "two covid patients had taken a turn for the worse after getting their first shots of the antiviral remdesivir." The same happened in another hospital, "And there was a common thread, the patients at both hospitals had received remdesivir from the same, batch coded V100167. It was manufactured by the Gujarat based firm Zydus Cadila." "Yet, the Gujarat regulator ostensibly never collected any of Cadila's implicated samples for testing," wrote Priyanka Pula. "On 5 October 2022, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced that four cough medicines, made by the Haryana-based manufacturer, Maiden Pharma, were suspected to have caused the deaths of 66 children in the West African nation, The Gambia." Adults with covid are one thing, children with a simple cough poisoned by medicine is explosive news. So, "In a 6 October press release, the Union ministry of health and family welfare said the Haryana firm had been exporting the adulterated brands only to The Gambia, and that they weren't sold in India," wrote Pula. Gambians don't vote in India so killing their children is alright. A think-tank Global Financial Integrity (GFI) "studied data for 2016 to conclude that India lost $13 billion in revenue, equivalent to 5.5% of the country's total tax collections in the year, to trade mis-invoicing." "Ingenious importers order a consignment from a foreign country at prevailing market rates. next, they forge documents to under-invoice the goods at the port in India to pay lower customs and other duties. Finally, they use hawala channels through shell companies based in Dubai or Hong Kong for payment of the balance amount to sellers overseas," wrote Sumant Banerji. Hawala is an informal system of money transfer outside official channels. Investopedia. "There are over a thousand universities in India, and close to 18,000 colleges," but "The majority of colleges in every discipline provide nothing more then the pretense of social or economic mobility to most of their students." Students end up with worthless pieces of paper. "To make matters worse, their families have each spent a fortune - compared to their limited means - on this." "All of this has left the cycle of un-education more or less in place." DH. So they spend a fortune to get admission in little known colleges in rural Canada to be able to work in restaurants or retail stores. Essentially, as labor. ET. India has been insulting Canada over the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar (wikipedia). But Canada is not The Gambia. Adulterated spices, medicines and education. Under-invoicing and hawala. We are not informed.  

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