Sunday, May 05, 2024

Inequity leads to inequality.

India human Development Surveys (IHDS) of 2005 and 2012 show that "the Gini coefficient of income inequality in 2012 was 0.54 having worsened from its 2005 level. This places India among major countries with the worst inequality," wrote Prof Himanshu. The Gini coefficient measures income inequality, with 0 representing perfect equality and 1 representing perfect inequality with all the income going to one person. Investopedia. In 2022-23, 22.6% of all income and 40.1% of all wealth went to the top 1% of the population. "Taxation as a means to redistribute wealth is probably as old as taxation itself." "Unlike indirect taxes, taxes on income or capital gains are typically progressive, with the rich expected to pay a higher share than the less well-off." "The bogus cry of inequality of wealth in India raises a fundamental question: is equality of wealth even desirable?" "Of the 1,319 individuals with wealth over Rs 1,000cr (Rs 10 billion) on the Hurun India Rich List of 2023, 64% were self-made." "The modern world is a better place because it's striven to provide equality of opportunity." "Simplifying laws, punishing the corrupt and enforcing equality before law are measures that can help," wrote Meeta and Rajivlochan." That is the nub of the problem. "In 1996, a petition was filed before the Supreme Court by a respected retired senior police officer Prakash Singh that raised various instances of abuse of power by the police, and alleged that police personnel perform their duties in a politically biased manner." In 2006, the Court directed the Centre and state governments to institute police reforms but till now nothing has been done. TOI. "The police is the repressive arm of the State. That's how it was conceived of when the British ruled over us; that's how it continues to behave after independence," wrote Jyoti Punwani. "As many as 225 sitting Lok Sabha MPs have criminal cases against them, according to an analysis by the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR). This constitutes 44% of total sitting MPs in the outgoing Lok Sabha." Mint. "Now why do Indians vote for criminal candidates?" Political scientist Milan Vaishnav believes that political parties choose criminals because they can finance their election campaign through illicit wealth and people vote for criminals because they can force civil servants to provide services which they are supposed to. BBC. "The 'octopus class', according to Mukherjea and Rajhansa, comprises nearly 200,000 families across India, in small towns as well as big cities, or nearly one million people, who control nearly 80% of India's wealth." ET. Members of these families enter political parties and use their wealth to get elected, which gives them control of the police to do as they wish. The BJP has used its control of investigating agencies to augment its numbers. 23 out of 25 politicians accused of serious crimes have seen charges dropped after joining the BJP. Mint. Most of the self-made rich people in India have made their wealth through crime. Criminals will never allow equal justice. No justice means no opportunity. Inequality is permanent. 

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