Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wise to be prepared.

"India's nuclear stockpile is slightly above Pakistan with two more nuclear warheads and there are indications that it is 'mating' some of its warheads with launchers in peacetime, according to a report by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)." India has 172 warheads to Pakistan's 170. The Print. It is good to be prepared to threaten 'mutually assured destruction' (MAD) (wikipedia), because the most dangerous and hostile country "China is accelerating its nuclear weapons buildup, now possessing 500 warheads, significantly more than India's 172 and Pakistan's 170." ET. SIPRI notes, "India appears to be placing growing emphasis on longer-range weapons, including those capable of reaching targets throughout China." ET. Stockholm is the capital of Sweden "which became NATO's newest member on Thursday (7 March 2024), upon depositing its instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the Government of the United States in Washington DC." NATO. Sweden is to buy 12 Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters worth an estimated $900 million. Breaking Defense. "The Biden administration has approved the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey following the Turkish government's ratification...of Sweden's membership in NATO." At the same time, the US is to sell F-35 fighter jets to Greece for $8.6 billion. AP. Turkey uses these planes to bomb the Kurdish people in Syria and Iraq indiscriminately. AP. "America's main ally against the Islamic State in Syria, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, publicly opposes the United States selling Turkey new F-16 fighter jets. The SDF fears these fighter-bombers could be used against them in the future, and for good reason." Forbes. In 2017, "Turkey has signed a controversial deal with Russia to arm its forces with Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles. BBC. In 2020, "The Trump administration slapped sanctions on Turkey...over a multibillion-dollar acquisition of a Russian missile system." In 2019, "the United States cut Turkey, a financial and manufacturing partner, from the F-35 program." CNBC. In 2023, "Six years after Turkey agreed to buy Russia's S-400 air-defense system and four years after the US responded by kicking Ankara out of the F-35 program, Turkey's S-400 still isn't operational, but the Turkish government hasn't backed away from the deal." BI. So, precipitate a war in Ukraine by threatening membership of NATO, scare Sweden into joining NATO, sell F-16 jets to Turkey to drop its objection to Sweden, that scares Greece so it buys F-35s for $8.6 billion, sell helicopters to Sweden and make enormous profits by making the world much more dangerous. "NATO's nuclear sharing arrangements ensure that the benefits, responsibilities and risks of nuclear deterrence are shared by the Alliance." "To guarantee the security of its Allies, the United States has deployed a number of B-61 nuclear weapons to certain locations in Europe, which remain under US custody and control." NATO. Sweden doesn't know if the US has based nuclear weapons on its soil, nor does it have any control over them, but it is now a legitimate nuclear target if there is such a war. "India signed a USD 5.5 billion with Russia in 2018 to buy five units of the S-400 air defence missile system." ET. India has been wise to modernise our nuclear weapons and buy S-400 missile defence. If the US is intent on precipitating a Third World War just for profits it's better to be prepared. MAD may keep us out.           

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