Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Safe, for now.

"President Joe Biden has announced a new policy that would protect hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of US citizens from deportation, according to administration officials." "Polls show that immigration is a primary concern for many voters ahead of the presidential poll in November." BBC. "President Biden graduated from the University of Delaware and Syracuse Law School and served on New Castle County Council. At age 29, President Biden became one of the youngest Americans ever elected to the United States Senate." He was a Senator for 36 years and then Vice President to Barack Obama from 2009 to 2016. whitehouse.gov. Thus, Biden has been in politics his entire working life and has never done anything honest or productive. He will do anything to hang on. "In a viral video, former President Barack Obama was seen guiding Joe Biden off the stage at a Los Angeles fundraiser after the president appeared to freeze up. The incident took place after Biden and Obama appeared in a 45-minute interview with late-night host Jimmy Kimmel at the Peacock Theater." HT. "An alleged multistate human trafficking ring forcing immigrant women into prostitution. The mysterious killing of a former police officer in South Florida. Attacks against police officers in New York. The arrest of a drug dealer in Chicago. Local and federal officials say these apparently unrelated crimes have a common denominator: Tren de Aragua, a transnational criminal gang that originated in a Venezuela prison" and "They say it's now operating in the United States." CNN. The US government has levied sanctions against Venezuela and has probably appropriated its money under Executive Order 13884 which "blocks the property of the Government of Venezuela", and Executive Order 13857 includes "any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including the Central Bank." state.gov. As plunder goes, this is pretty comprehensive. "The United States is merrily chipping away at the pillars that hold up the dollar as the world's reserve currency." "The country has radically increased the use of sanctions as a punitive foreign policy tool. And it is adding on an immense amount of debt, leaving hapless foreigners who seek the safety and depth of its markets to fund its excesses." Still, "A recent survey, for example, shows central bank reserve managers plan to increase their dollar holdings over the next 12-24 months." Reuters. "But times have changed with new buyers, such as China and India seeking to buy oil in their own currencies." However, "China holds nearly 10 times as much dollar reserves as Saudi Arabia, and it has not been able to make a serious dent on the dollar's role as a reserve currency." "The oil trade is done in dollars because it keeps things simple. India's experience with buying Russian oil in local currency is a case in point." Perhaps, the actual strength of the US comes from NATO which has 30 European and 2 North American members. wikipedia. As long as the others feel safe under the US security umbrella provided by NATO the dollar will be secure. The rest of the world is not united. Mao Zedong understood that "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". wikipedia. The US, plus NATO, has the biggest gun. By far.      

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