Friday, June 21, 2024

Target the enforcers.

"Bill Maher, American television host, got brutally trolled and fact checked after he on a show claimed Narendra Modi 'lost' election." "Social media users, mostly from India, schooled Bill Maher for spreading fake news and asked him to stick to American issues without knowing the truth about India." TOI. Maher may have said 'lost election' instead of saying 'lost majority' but the world's media were spot on. The Economist UK, June 6, "While the BJP 'prevailed', it no longer has a 'majority in its own right', making Modi 'beholden to his allies'." The Conversation Global, June 6, "Rahul Gandhi's speeches 'highlighted a commitment to protecting the Constitution'; Lalu Prasad Yadav warned BJP intended to 'change the Constitution to end Caste-based affirmative action'; the Samajwadi Party 'fashioned a new, broader caste coalition in Uttar Pradesh'." The Wire. Succinct and absolutely accurate. The problem is that the Indian media has been totally terrorised into submission. "When a journalist becomes spreader of hate and lies, instigator of mob lynching, a cheerleader for the government, [they] become an instrument to kill democracy. When hundreds of news channels repeat the same, they become a weapon to kill humanity. Most of Indian mainstream media is a disgrace to democracy and humanity (The Wire)," said Ravish Kumar, who used to be the Senior Executive Editor of NDTV India (wikipedia). "French journalist Sebastien Farcis' claims he was 'forced to leave' India are incorrect, the external affairs ministry spokesperson said." "Farcis', who is married to an Indian citizen, also holds an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card." "In February, French journalist Vanessa Dougnac left India after the government revoked her Overseas Citizen of India card." News18. "Delhi Lieutenant-Governor VK Saxena's decision to sanction the prosecution of author Arundhati Roy and academic Sheikh Showkat Hussain for speeches made 14 years ago is the first major signal from the new government that its vindictive instincts and habits are still intact." "Trial is unlikely to take place soon and that will mean jail for an indefinite period for the two." DH. In 1997, Arundhati Roy won the Booker Prize for her novel "The God of Small Things", (wikipedia) and is therefore well known outside India. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) provides the Hindu base for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Mr Modi. wikipedia. Following the election results, the Chief of RSS Mohan Bhagwat "noted that an election is not a war, that both sides have point of view to be heard, and that a true sevak (servant) is one who serves with maryada (morality) and without ego." "Today, the RSS must contend with a BJP prime minister who describes himself as God-sent, a non-biological avatar, and a pradhan (chief) sevak who does not tire of speaking of how extraordinary he is." DH. Indians are helpless against a despotic state which cloaks itself in divine righteousness. But foreigners are not. They could target the lower level enforcers which would stop them from traveling outside India. No more junkets. Intolerable. 

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