Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Britain won't matter.

"Far-right parties have made major gains in the European Parliament election that concluded on Sunday (09 June), with the domination of Marine Le Pen's National Rally in France prompting President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the parliament and call national legislative elections on June 30 a month before the Paris Olympics. The surge of nationalist and populist parties, which lead governments in Hungary, Slovakia, and Italy and are part of ruling coalitions in Sweden and Finland, will make legislation on issues such as climate change and agricultural policy harder." HT. "Alexander De Croo, the Prime Minister of Belgium, has resigned following his party's crushing loss...in national and parliamentary elections, according to CNN." HT. "The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) shrugged off a string of scandals to take second place in... EU's election, making gains in particular among the young, while Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats scored their worst result ever." Reuters. "French President Emmanuel Macron saw his party fall into second place in European Parliament elections in France on Sunday, with the two far-right parties together taking close to 40% of the vote." "Announcing a snap national election for the end of June, Macron has set up a showdown between his pro-European, centrist and pro-Ukrainian ideals and the anti-immigration, populist and hard-line law-and-order rhetoric of the far right." CNN. It is not a personal risk for Macron, whose second term as president ends in 2027, and who will be ineligible to run again after two terms. wikipedia. In this surge to the right, "Pro-European centrist parties performed well overall in central and eastern Europe," as "In Poland, the European Union's largest eastern member, Prime Minister Donald Tusk's centrist Civic Coalition (KO) was set to win," and "In Hungary, Prime Minister Victor Orban's nationalist Fidesz party came first but posted its worst result in a national or EU election in nearly two decades, as support surged for the pro-European Tisza partty, which is led by political newcomer Peter Magyar." The leftists won in Romania, liberals in Slovakia and a populist party in the Czech Republic. Reuters. Indications are that Britain will shift to the left as "Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called for an early general election in the UK to be held on July 4th, 2024." TOI. "Britain's main opposition Labour Party is set for its biggest victory in next month's general election," with 422 seats in the House of Commons while Sunak's Conservatives will be reduced to just 140 seats. Reuters. The Labour Party has accused Sunak of being too rich and hence out of touch with the people. Reuters. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is worth 7.7 million pounds but could be worth double that. Prolific London. That is not exactly Dickensian is it? Sunak is of Indian descent and a Hindu. Someone who would qualify to be one of "A beastly people with a beastly religion. (Shashi Tharoor)." Britain will be lurching to the left, even as Europe swings to the right. But it is irrelevant. Because of Brexit.  

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