Saturday, May 28, 2022

Losing control.

The UN World Food Program (WFP) experts estimate that 50 million people could go hungry this year, Fox. "History has repeatedly shown that mass hunger leads to political instability. Rising food prices across Northern Africa and the Middle East directly contributed to social unrest which sparked the start of the 2010 Arab Spring uprisings." US Secretary of State Antony J Blinken said Russia's "flagrant disregard of resolution 2417 (2018) is just the latest example of a Government using the hunger of civilians to advance its objectives", UN. To which Russia responded, "In the context of the active 'proxy war' with the Russian Federation in Ukraine, Western delegations have essentially taken the entire developing world hostage, leading it towards hunger." "Highlighting the situation in South Asia, Shree V Muraleedharan, Minister of State for External Affairs of India, said the global South has been adversely impacted both by the conflict in Ukraine and the measures put in place in response." "Calling out the West, India has said that foodgrains should not go the way of Covid vaccines and voiced concern over hoarding, discrimination and 'unjustified increase' in food prices," TOI. Exactly. Both sides are to blame. Western nations have imposed savage sanctions on Russia with the aim of teaching President Vladimir Putin a lesson by destroying Russia's economy, BBC. To many, Western actions against Russia are evidence of deep-seated Russophobia, wikipedia. "In many Western countries, everyday Russophobia has become of an unprecedented nature, and, to our great regret, in encouraged by government circles in a number of countries," said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Sanctions are a blunt tool. If the US forces Russia to default on its debts by freezing dollars and by excluding Russia from the Swift system, Reuters, then Russia is not going to export for free. In Britain, "Children are suffering from food poisoning and wearing dirty clothes as parents switch off key household appliances in a desperate attempt to save money amid the cost-of-living crisis, according to campaigners," DM. "The cost of living crisis has sparked a boom in 'first time' shoplifters, according to supermarket bosses. Thefts have soared since the beginning of the year and are continuing to increase in the wake of price rises caused by the war in Ukraine," DM. "A decision by China and Russia to veto new United Nations sanctions on North Korea pushed by the United States, shattered any veneer of global cooperation," Reuters. "Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard seized two Greek oil tankers, just after Athens assisted the US in seizing an Iranian oil tanker over alleged sanctions violations," ET. "If the election were held today, Democrats would not only lose control of the House, but suffer massive losses in their ranks," CNN. Sanctions on Russia have become sanctions on the whole world. Including the West. 

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