Friday, May 13, 2022

If he has eyes to see.

"The World Health Organsation (WHO) recently estimated that approximately 4.7 million Indians died due to covid related causes in the years 2020 and 2021," wrote Prof V Anantha Nageswaran & Diva Jain. The WHO "estimates the expected mortality (monthly) for 2020 and 2021 based on historical data," because "the WHO does not have monthly ACM (actual all-cause mortality) data for 2020-21." Nageswaran and Jain contemptuously dismiss "WHO's estimate based on estimates was drawn from unverified data obtained from using a methodology that makes an assumption for India whose validity is suspect at the very least." Isn't it shameful that we, the citizens of India, do not know how many of our own people died? "India's government rejected the figure, saying methodology is flawed," BBC. "It reported 481,000 covid deaths between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2022." 'When it became clear to journalists and researchers that not all deaths from Covid-19 were not being counted in India, media organisations, including IndiaSpend, began to access state-level Civil Registration System (CRS) portals that count all deaths in a district every month. In states like Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh in particular, the CRS data showed large gaps between CRS-registered deaths for preivous years and deaths for pandemic months, as well as a large gap between reported Covid-19 deaths and observed mortality," wrote Rukmini S. Sadly, "The Resgistrar General of India (RGI) which runs the CRS, itself doesn't regard the CRS as the most authentic barometer of mortality," and "uses a randomized large-scale survey, the Sample Registration System (SRS), to estimate death counts," wrote Pramit Bhattacharya. "But the dark secret of India's death recording system is" "that SRS has been under-counting deaths especially in better developed states". As a result, "The CRS fails to capture mortality among the poor, among women and among children. The SRS fails to capture deaths among non-poor and adult men." "At least six such studies compiled by Mint show that the median estimate for excess deaths in India during the pandemic hovers around 4 million," wrote Nandita Venkatesan & Tanay Sukumar. Why is there no debate about deaths in the US? Because President Joe Biden publicly mourned the "1 million empty chairs around the family dinner table," and ordered flags "lowered to half-staff", AP. The US population is one-third of India's. At about 1.4 billion, India's population is about one-sixth of the global population of about 8 billion people, worldometer. About 6.29 million are estimated to have died of Covid in the world, worldometer. It is therefore entirely logical that one-sixth of that, which means over 1 million, must have died in India, calculated Dilip D'Souza. Tax authorities raided offices of Dainik Bhaskar which "shocked India with its reporting of dead bodies in the river Ganges during the brutal second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic", CNN. Nageswaran trashes " endless procession of 'Indian origin' scentists" and "ravenous hordes of 'independent' journalists scouring crematoriums and burial grounds". Nageswaran is the Chief Economic Advisor (CEA) of India, BT. We, the hapless citizens, hope he has more honest economic data. If he has eyes, can he not see?  

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